Welcome to the Learning Resource Centre. Click on the icons below to learn more about improving Fire Safety, Water Quality and Air Quality in your home or business.
The OFWA learning resource centre is provided to our customers, clients and employees. It contains several information sources for your learning pleasure. The purpose is to provide information and a review of the most important water, fire and air educational questions. The objective is to raise awareness on the importance of three main areas in your home or business; Water Quality, Air Quality and Fire Safety.
At Ontario Fire Water Air we provide this online learning resource center to help you quickly source relevant information that will aid you in making an informed decision on the most recent and pertinent trends in home improvement. The OFWA online learning resource center provides short, relevant pieces of information and training including easy-to-understand instructional articles and commentary.
Take the time to peruse the Learning Resource Centre and we are confident you will find all the resources you need to make informed buying decisions. Enjoy broadening your knowledge on home improvement trends through electronic copy, links to additional online resources and our e-books and e-journals.